Piano lessons: Gift for life…

Learning how to play even a simple song on a piano, in short, involves the following:

A symbol recognition, understanding, information synthesis and processing with practical application/execution using the keyboard. This process, often described as “demanding timed multitasking,” transforms the “cluster of symbols” (musical notation) into a “finished project” (composition, song) via a complex process that involves manual-to-brain and multi-sensory coordination, requiring and developing the timing, sensitivity and fine motor skills; followed by the technical mastery and memorization, and leading to a live presentation (i. e recital or exam performance of the learned song). 

The study of PIANO is considered to be one of the most comprehensive, if not the most comprehensive, educational tools. It is a rather challenging yet incredibly beneficial educational experience that builds more than just piano playing skills: piano lessons build skills for life!

  • intellectual
  • academic
  • behavioural
  • social
  • health benefits

A small sample from the large pool of scientific evidence on the value of music education:

Research conducted by Dr. Frank Wilson at the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco shows that instrumental practice enhances coordination, concentration, and memory and significantly improves eyesight and hearing. 

His studies have shown that music involvement connects and develops the motor systems of the brain, refining the entire neurological system in ways that no other activity can. 

Music’s Universal Impact on Body and Emotion – click here for full article

While even a year or two of piano study makes a difference, all these positive attributes affect and shine over years of consistent study in a supportive environment. Contrary to what our “touch-screen” society teaches our children, the most worthwhile accomplishments in life take years of concentrated effort—an effort that pays off.

Clarkson Piano Studio: Science agrees on the powers of piano study!

The substantial information and scientific evidence on the topics, such as the effects of the study of piano, the effects of music learning and more, is available by visiting the web pages of the US National Library of Medicine , and National Centre for Biotechnology Research

Playing the piano supports a child’s intellectual development, increasing their concentration levels. Children who play the piano learn more efficiently and exhibit better social competencies, integrating themselves more easily into social structures.

Adults who play the piano also improve their overall efficiency and concentration levels. They are also shown to react more appropriately and competently in stressful situations.

Piano playing helps older people improve their intellectual and mental fitness. These effects are based on scientific research and can be observed whenever you meet a piano player.

The positive effects of piano playing as a fountain of youth have been related in numerous scientific studies.