Every moment of every day, we count our blessings to have been given the gift of music by our parents and for receiving the comprehensive formal training from incredible, passionate educators who lived for and loved what they do: teaching music and sharing the joy of music with generations of students. Their passion for music, love, and care, which we were blessed to experience, live with us forever and inspire us to pass our very best on to you, our students, and their families! Join us and share the magical life-long journey of music-making! 

We all have heard people feeling sorry for giving up on piano lessons at some point in their early life. Contributing factors are many, including, let’s face it, parents’ push and/or taking piano lessons from a disciplinarian teacher with perhaps unreasonable expectations. And, really, who likes to be under pressure and practice the same thing over and over endlessly? 

As parents, we understand. We wish to give the gift of music to our kids while facing the reality of modern-day parenting, including strong and unavoidable cyber/digital/social/media influences and modern culture. 

Despite common family-raising and overall life’s ups and downs, the right balance of support, guidance, and musical and life advice helped our kids’ friendship with music flourish! We are particularly proud of raising our kids with piano and their RCM Piano Diploma achievement! 

From that parenting experience, we learned what no school or course could teach: we approach each student with the same passion and desire to help them enjoy the incredible gift of music – forever!

We feel blessed to have been raised with values of sharing, giving, and contributing, which enriched our lives prior to and after arriving in Canada in January 1994.

Turbulent 1990s wartimes made Canada our home. An interesting set of coincidences relocated us from the Kitchener refugee shelter to beautiful Clarkson Village (February 1994), where, almost immediately, the first piano lessons were given. At first, they were given at our students’ homes, with the basement of the building at 75 Lakeshore Rd. E. becoming the very first Hrovat Piano Studio Location.

Sharing the power, beauty of and love for music, since 1994! While enhancing meaningful events by proudly donating thousands of hours. And we will continue to do so and share the joy of music while assisting all efforts we [possibly can!

Yes- our walls are decorated with ‘Thank You” letters and Award Certificates. We are proud of our long-standing community involvement that includes donating grand, vertical and digital pianos for events, donating instruments to needy educational institutions (Zareinu; Cawthra Secondary School; Local places of worship and more), sponsorship and co-sponsorship of various efforts and good causes (Food Bank, Clarkson Community Concerts and more) financial contribution to many charities; we donated our time and skills enhancing with our musicianship the numerous fundraising and community efforts such as The Rotary Clubs (30 years of collaboration), Alzheimer’s Society of Peel, The Credit Valley Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital and University Health Network to name the few.  

We are a family-run and family-oriented school with a strong presence in the community since 1994! Again, we don’t just love music; we believe in and enthusiastically promote the power of music and music’s multiple benefits.

The beauty of nature was the source of inspiration for greats like Vivaldi, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and many more. There is something special, calming and invigorating instilled in us by the “touch” of and proximity to green leaves, trees, forest, flowers, and birds. 

Our location indeed provides the feeling of peace and tranquillity that our parents and students enjoy and appreciate very much!

After many years of searching for a facility that would provide that very special environment yet be in the heart of an urban area, we were blessed to acquire the passionate (late) Dr. Zacal’s dental clinic and transform it into our Clarkson Piano Studio back in 2014.

There are plenty of sleek”business” environments, cubicles, concrete (claustrophobic) spaces/studios, and congested parking lots. Our approach was perhaps not the most profitable. Yet, it is rooted in a sincere desire to offer a de-stressing, enriching, and motivating environment and the most enjoyable learning experience—that started even before entering our spacious Piano Studio!

On a practical note, our friendly location offers plentiful parking (yes, even in the shade, if preferred) and is connected by a convenient walkway to the nearby Home Sense plaza, banks, stores, and restaurants dotting Clarkson Village.